
What I did for this project:


Nexus Fusion


The Fusion project objective was to provide users with a database full of neuroscientific resources such as neuron morphologies, neuron electrophysiology, neuron densities, etc. Users can enter their own data and use them in their daily experiment. From resources injection to publishing papers in which the different datasets and resources gathered previously populate this scientific document, Fusion is conceive to a huge content management and publication system

Video of a neuron circuit with interactive navigation

A simple home page that offers a focused navigation to make it easy to discover of neuroscientific resources.

Image of schema showing the structure for table view

Two different navigations were prototyped to ensure that both beginners and advanced users of the website can find what they are looking for within the database. Experts get more filterings options and beginners are more guided through a simpler flow.

Image of documents for user research and screen recording

The website concept, navigation, filtering and goals were inspired by remote user research sessions.

Image of little document for user test and workshop

Early prototypes of the website were tested with potential users by giving them four scenarios to go through. These prototypes made it possible to improve the information flow.

Header of the organization page with an image of a brain

The different resources can also be filter by the organization that created them. This offers another way to curate the different neuroscientific resources.

Image of the studio interface

Each resource is decomposed in multiple blocks so that people can get directly to the elements that are the most important for them. Instead of showing one big research paper, users can for example go directly to the data.

Image of the Fusion home and detail view of a resource

The search feature is optimised for pro users as it allows people to search and filter by technical elements like morphologies, electrophysiologies, simulations, neuron densitiy, etc.